Meet the Bloggers: Emma Barishman

The Green Room is so excited to introduce you to our newest bloggers who are joining us this summer! For the rest of the week, you can get to know them through the latest installments of Meet the Bloggers series.

Name: Emma Barishman

What do you do outside of blogging? Obsess over my dog! I have a three year old sheltie mix named Lady Macbeth and she’s definitely the best dog in the world. When I’m not with her, though, I’m usually doing PR work for theatres, webseries, and individual people.

Favorite musical: Worst question ever! But I’m going to go with Ragtime because it’s such an incredibly powerful and relevant musical even though it was written almost twenty years ago. The music is hauntingly beautiful and the characters all have such amazing depth. It’s definitely one of my favorite musicals and it shaped both my theatre education and my world view in many ways.

What are you interested in blogging about this summer? I love to talk about auditions, from the college audition process all the way up to “real world” auditions. I love to explore how people approach them and how they can improve their audition technique. Finding the right song, outfit, and outlook to express who YOU are as an individual can be so important to feeling confident in the audition.

What are your non-theater interests? I enjoy Netflix, looking at projects on Pinterest that I’ll probably never actually do, horseback riding (when I have time!) and reading.

Favorite contemporary MT song: I have a tie between “No Reason at All” by Jonathan Reid Gealt and “Manhattan Bridge” by Salzman and Cunningham. Those were the last two pieces I worked on in my musical theatre class before I graduated and I found really deep personal connections to them. Both are beautiful songs that can be interpreted really individually and I definitely cry every time I hear them.

Watch this video on YouTube.

Read Emma’s posts here.
Follow Emma on twitter: @ebarishman
Follow Emma on instagram: @ebarishman
Visit Emma’s website:

The post Meet the Bloggers: Emma Barishman appeared first on The Green Room.