Meet the Bloggers: Maddi Ostapiw

The Green Room is thrilled to introduce you to our newest bloggers who are joining us this spring. For the rest of the week, you can get to know them through the latest installments of our Meet the Bloggers series.

Name: Maddi Ostapiw

What do you do outside of blogging? Outside of blogging I work in a voluntary position as the editor of Community Theatre for Theatre People, an Australian theatre publication. I have just begun studying a journalism course at University, hoping to become a fully qualified professional journalist over the next few years, and I am also throwing myself into working as the publicity manager with various theatre groups throughout Melbourne.

Favorite musical: Three way tie for this one, and it’s a little unconventional. Wicked, Once and 9 to 5 are equally my favourites, all for different reasons. 9 to 5 because I don’t think another musical will ever be able to equal 9 to 5‘s pro-woman message – the show is hilarious, and the original Broadway cast featured three of my favourite actresses smashing the patriarchy and assuming their rightful positions of dominance. Wicked, because even though the show is a mass produced mega-musical, with one universal staging, the material gives each person within the show the ability to change the show immensely through the slightest change in interpretation. Also, fantastically represented female characters, and flawless execution in all areas of stage craft. Once, because no other show has shown me the beauty of silence and pure emotion the way Once has. I was hooked the first time I saw a piece of promotional material for the show years ago, and the pure joy the show gave me is still as strong to this day!

What are you interested in blogging about this spring? My main focus in theatre is normally on social issues. The landscape of theatre in Australia is slightly different to that of America, and something I am passionate about is offering more opportunities to youth and rural dwellers, who are quite frequently overlooked in Australia. I am also very interested in creating more opportunities for women to advance in theatre, and would love to see a world in which access to the arts was a lot easier for people with disabilities.

What are your non-theater interests? Australia just got Netflix, so that is going to be my interest for the foreseeable future! I love to take in all forms of media and entertainment, especially when they offer me the chance to broaden my understanding of the world and analyse them from a feminist or gender based standpoint. I also support many animal rights causes, and wouldn’t be able to live without my cats!

Favorite contemporary MT song: There are so many, but “Just Me” by Zack Zadek, performed by Emma Hunton, was the song that started my obsession with new musical theatre and the people who pour their hearts into keeping my favourite art form alive. I come from a small town where theatre is barely a thing, and this song spoke to me about getting out and pursuing what I love.

Watch this video on YouTube.

Read Maddi’s posts here.

The post Meet the Bloggers: Maddi Ostapiw appeared first on The Green Room.