Meet the Bloggers: Maria Duaime Robinson

This fall, The Green Room is thrilled to welcome a fantastic group of new bloggers to our team. For the rest of the week, you can get to know them through our Meet the Bloggers series.

Name: Maria Duaime Robinson

What do you do outside of blogging? I work in advanced energy policy, music direct shows, and am starting grad school in energy law. I’m also old (well, 27, which is old for bloggers here) and married and own a house in the suburbs and all that good stuff.

Favorite musical: I have a deep deep affection for the musical Titanic, despite the fact it’s too long, has too many characters, doesn’t flow that well, includes graphic suicide, has unnecessarily difficult harmonies, and requires an irresponsibly enormous set. But the music and story still move me every time.

What are you interested in blogging about this fall? Unlike most of the folks who blog here, I studied not-theatre/music/acting/dance and instead have a degree in chemical engineering, so I come at this from a slightly different perspective. I music direct regional community theatre shows and want to focus on helping folks excel at auditions!

What are your non-theater interests? I spend a lot of time focusing on energy issues, baking, TV shows that always seem to be canceled too quickly, and politics. Needless to say, I have no twitter followers because I tweet about too many topics that aren’t even remotely relevant to similar demographics.

Favorite NMT song: I was brought into the NMT community through my fandom-turned-friendship with Kait Kerrigan and Brian Lowdermilk, and their “Last Week’s Alcohol” makes me incredibly happy every time I hear it. And who doesn’t love some Matt Doyle?

Watch this video on YouTube.

Follow Maria on twitter: @mduaime.
Read Maria’s posts here.

The post Meet the Bloggers: Maria Duaime Robinson appeared first on The Green Room.