Meet the Bloggers: Taryn Crankshaw

Winter is coming, and with it comes a new team of bloggers for The Green Room! We're so excited to welcome them to the blog and to introduce them to you all this week. Get to know two new bloggers today, and click here to read previous installments of the Meet the Bloggers series, too.

Name: Taryn Crankshaw

What do you do outside of blogging? I work in the arts and entertainment industry. From front of the house to performing onstage to directing, I've dipped my toes in many different parts of theatre and love learning new skills that help me to become a better artist. After I graduated from university, I co-founded a small production company that creates both theatre and film projects. I'm currently working on working on a couple of scripts and focusing on developing my skills as a writer and performer.

Favorite musical: That's a tough one! But I have to go with Spring Awakening. The story, the music, the message…I love every part of it. It premiered on Broadway when I was 17, just a few months before I graduated from high school. I always loved theatre and desperately wanted to purse it but nerves prevented me from applying to any of theatre programs. The more I read about the show and listened the the soundtrack, the more I knew that I had to go for it. And the rest is history! (I also have to give honourable mentions to The Last Five Years and Parade. I'd listen to Jason Robert Brown score the phone book.) 

What are you interested in blogging about this winter? I'm interested in blogging about my experience working as an emerging artist, budding entrepreneur and the Canadian theatre scene. My goal with this blogging experience is to create content that focuses on the process of building a career as an artist and connecting with other artists who are in similar points in their careers.

What are your non-theater interests? Aside from theatre, film is my other great passion. I'm up for watching mostly anything and love staying up to date on the latest movie news. In fact, I love anything pop culture related. 

Favorite contemporary MT song: "Blue Hair" from The Black Suits by Joe Iconis. It's equal parts funny, sad, angsty and hopeful. Plus, I've always kind of wanted to dye my hair blue. 

Watch this video on YouTube.

Read Taryn's posts here.
Follow Taryn on twitter: @Taryn_C

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