Meet the Bloggers: Tyler Spicer

This fall, The Green Room is thrilled to welcome a fantastic group of new bloggers to our team. For the rest of the week, you can get to know them through our Meet the Bloggers series.

Name: Tyler Spicer

What do you do outside of blogging?
I work at a tech company. (Make that money.)
Direct and Assistant Direct for various people on various projects.
Help new playwrights and composers develop their work.
And in my downtime I enjoy a good martini or a yoga class πŸ™‚

Favorite musical: The current Revival of Pippin. Diane Paulus is one of the few people on this earth who makes me fangirl.

What are you interested in blogging about this fall? I love the idea of exploring theatricality in writing, acting, and directing especially in musical theatre. I also have always been fascinated by how we can use past structures and forms in music and drama to inform new work. I also want to talk about the idea of the revisal. What do new songs and books mean for old shows and material?

What are your non-theater interests? Game of Thrones. Pretty Little Liars. Martinis. And Boys.

Favorite NMT song: β€œPerfect” from Edges, written by Pasek and Paul, as incomparably acted and sung by Whitney Bashor. I think this is the go-to crying song for Type A theatre people.

Watch this video on YouTube.

Honorable Mentions: β€œThe Distance You Have Come” by Scott Alan (Natalie Weiss and a Gospel Choir – Need I say more?) and β€œLove Me, Love Me Not” by Joey Contreras.

Read Tyler’s posts here.
Follow Tyler on twitter: @broadwayorange.

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