DON’T SING THIS, SING THAT!: How to Keep it Toned During These Summer Months

Summer season is in full swing. You’re probably reading my blog post from the beach. Or on the train on your way to the beach. Or at work thinking about the beach. Let’s be real. Right now all I want is to sunbathe like Ariel on that rock in the famed up-dog position. Namaste.

But while you’re resting and lounging and tanning that bod, let’s not forget to work on the other important instrument: la voce. So before the summer’s over and another 100 people just get out of the audition room, think twice before you sing that college audition copy of “On My Own,” because, trust me girl, YOU WILL BE.

So here it is, my friends! Brandon’s tips to whip that Audition Book into shape with (bass tremolo, please…)

Don't Sing This Sing That

Click the image to enlarge.

I’ll be doing this series in the future so stay tuned! Thanks for checking in and please let me know your thoughts and/or comments, my friends!

The post DON’T SING THIS, SING THAT!: How to Keep it Toned During These Summer Months appeared first on The Green Room.