The Green Room is thrilled to have a wonderful group of bloggers join us this winter. For the rest of the week, you can get to know them through our Meet the Bloggers series.

Name: Sara Jensen

What do you do outside of blogging? I am pursuing a career in acting/directing. I’ve moved around a lot the past few years after graduating – from Chicago to San Diego and now I’m back in my home state, Minnesota. I’m excited to put my foot forward in Minneapolis and get involved with as much theatre as I can!

Favorite musical: One of my favorite musicals is a musical I have yet to see, In the Heights. There was one summer where that was literally the only show I listened to. To and from rehearsals I would blast it, windows down, having the time of my life. Ever since then it’s been close to my heart and “Breathe” is one of my favorite songs to sing. Lin- Manuel Miranda is amazing!

What are you interested in blogging about this winter? I would love to explore the topic of what it is like to be an actor/actress involved with a new musical production. I was involved in The Hunchback at Notre Dame at La Jolla Playhouse singing in the auxiliary chorus and I found it so amazing seeing the show transform up until opening night.

Another topic I’m interested in is how to find a day job that supports being an artist and the crazy schedules we have. I’ve had a dozen or so day jobs with a variety of different titles that have been good and bad. I’d love to share some of the tips I’ve learned trying to make a living while doing what I love.

What are your non-theater interests? I enjoy photography or any other creative projects I can get my hands on. As well as the outdoors- hiking, the beach, anything that can get me outside. Along with that, working out or attempting some yoga is a great way to pass time. I’ve also enjoyed cooking recently, especially breakfast food. I’m gluten-free which can sometimes make cooking a little more difficult.

Favorite NMT song: Currently my favorite song is “I’ll Be Here” by Adam Gown. I recently found an amazing version of it performed by Ciara Renee.

Watch this video on YouTube.

Read Sara’s posts here.
Follow Sara on twitter: @sarlabellej
Follow Sara on instagram: @sarlabellej

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