is looking for interns and bloggers!

If you like what you’ve read on the blog this fall, why not throw your hat into the virtual ring? NMT is currently looking for new bloggers to write for Green Room every other week. And if you want to be even more involved with NMT, we’re also looking for new customer service interns and social media interns. A full listing for all positions is below. We can’t wait to read what you have to say!


Are you looking for a winter internship that doesn’t even require you to leave your house? Do you have so many feelings about musical theatre that you have to share some of them with the world? Join us. We’re currently looking for new customer service interns, social media interns, and bloggers. (A full description of each position is below.)

For all available positions, you can be located anywhere in the world. For the customer service internship, you must have some daytime availability on some weekdays and/or on weekends. Otherwise, all work is on a flexible schedule. We’re looking for hardworking self-starters, creative thinkers, and problem-solvers. You can apply for more than one of the available positions if you’d be interested in two (or three!) of them. 

CUSTOMER SERVICE INTERN: The customer service task force is responsible for maintaining the Customer Service email account (and making the very occasional phone call). You’ll answer troubleshooting questions and be an invaluable part of NMT’s day-to-day operations.

SOCIAL MEDIA INTERN: NMT’s intrepid social media team is currently working on the NMT Green Room (which you’d blog for, and which we’re working on expanding); the NMT Facebook, twitter and tumblr; and outreach to musical theatre college programs. We’ve got some really exciting social media projects on the horizon for early 2014, too!

BLOGGER: As a NMT blogger, you’ll write a post for NMT’s blog, the NMT Green Room, every other week. They can be unified (e.g. a recurring column) or varied – as long as your posts fall under the general heading of “new musical theatre,” your topic is probably fair game. 

All positions will start in early December and last through the end of March. 

To apply, please answer the following questions: 

1) Why do you want to work for In your answer, please also specify which position or positions you are interested in and why. 
2) What’s a challenge that you’ve faced in a work situation? How did you handle it? 
3) When you work at home, what do you do to keep yourself focused? 
4) What kind of experience do you have communicating with customers or patrons (either by email or in person)? 
5) Which social media platforms are you familiar with? Which one is your favorite and why? 
6a) CUSTOMER SERVICE ONLY: A customer emails you wondering if NMT will transpose their most recent sheet music purchase. How would you respond? Send us the email you’d write to the customer. (Not sure where to start? Check out our FAQ page.)
6b) SOCIAL MEDIA / BLOG ONLY: Please send us an idea for a post or series that you’d want to write for the NMT Green Room. Also, link us to a blog post or other article currently published on the internet (either on your own blog or elsewhere). Preferably, it’s something you’ve written about theatre. If you don’t have any writing samples on the internet, email one to us.
**NOTE: If you’re interested in both internships or in the customer service internship and the blogging position, please complete both 6a and 6b! 

Please send your resume and your answers to clientservices [at] by December 1

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