Blog Filter By Posts by Missy Whitis

People Buy The Why (Or… Watching Our Lives On Stage)

Many years ago, I was directing a high school play and was one cast member short. That Fall there just weren’t enough boys who auditioned, and I needed a strong actor to fill a role. After school ended on the day the cast list went up, a freshman who was interested in the part came […]

The post People Buy The Why (Or… Watching Our Lives On Stage) appeared first on The Green Room.

“There’s not a lot one can teach me at this point,” said the acclaimed musical theatre singer standing in a group of theatre professionals, when asked with whom he was currently studying. It would have been very easy to go into all the benefits of a voice coach – even if you are already very […]

The post You Don’t Need A Therapist If You Have A Voice Coach (Or…. The Top 5 Things You Should Expect From Your Voice Teacher) appeared first on The Green Room.

By the time you leave high school choir and drama and enter into your college program, ideally, there’s a list of songs (and monologues) you should have already covered: “On My Own,” “Corner of the Sky,” “Where Is Love,” just to name a few. But then at the same time, due to your age and […]

The post The Learning Curve (Or… There Is No Perfect Audition Song) appeared first on The Green Room.

When you think of musical subject matter, is anything ever really off limits? Having to pay to urinate, people who’ve tried to kill the president of the United States, Jerry Springer, Imelda Marcos, mental illness, you name it. There’s something for everyone. So with that in mind, remember this sentence: A musical will reflect the […]

The post Working Hard For The Funny – Tripod Edition (Or…. Dungeons and Dragons, Video Games, and knowing your audience) appeared first on The Green Room.

It’s back to school season and The Green Room is looking out for you. All this month, the NMT Countdown series is bringing you a guide to the best-selling songs on NMT from the last year. Are you planning a cabaret and looking for the perfect stand-alone song? Are you a soprano looking for audition material that […]

The post NMT COUNTDOWN: Working Hard For The Funny (Or… How to Rock the Top 10 Bestselling Comedy Songs on NMT) appeared first on The Green Room.

When it comes to the art of auditioning, there’s a ton we could focus on and discuss. However, you probably know most of the tricks by now (how to fix your music, talk to the accompanist, dress, etc.). So what new insider info could there possibly be to trade? Glad you asked! How about we […]

The post Getting Attention In Your Audition (Or… MOVE THE CHAIR, for crying out loud!) appeared first on The Green Room.

Your singing voice should sound like your speaking voice. There. We’re done here. It’s truly THAT easy. Veins should not be popping out on the side of your neck, your throat shouldn’t move when you try to belt, and you shouldn’t be having to breathe every four measures. Fantastic examples of this are Neil Patrick Harris, […]

The post You and Your Vocal Health (Or…. A legit reason to watch somebody’s tongue.) appeared first on The Green Room.

Today is a great day to be a Broadway fan. Right now there are incredible greats, like Tyne Daly, Chip Zien (in the same show no less), Kelli O’Hara, Brian d’Arcy James, and Taye Diggs, performing at the same time as new legends Lisa Howard, Rob McClure, Geoff Packard, Beth Malone, and of course, all […]

The post The Listening List: Learning Vocal Technique from the Greats (Or… Pat Benatar, The Commodores, and Jason Alexander walk into a bar…) appeared first on The Green Room.