Blog Filter By Posts by Philippa Boyes

So Long, Farewell

Well folks, this is my last post blogging for the NMT Green Room this fall, and it really has been a wonderful experience. I’ve loved getting to share my musical theatre thoughts and musings with all of you, who definitely appreciate it more than the non-theatre people in my life I usually harass (that’s totally […]

The post So Long, Farewell appeared first on The Green Room.

In Which I Try to Articulate My Feelings on Theatre Criticism

How do you guys feel about theatre criticism? Pro, con? I struggle with it myself. I would guess a large portion of us in the theatre community do, because it’s innately a complicated art form. Theatre reviewing is an art form, not a science, and yet the way it can affect work—especially new work—can be […]

The post In Which I Try to Articulate My Feelings on Theatre Criticism appeared first on The Green Room.

Die, Vampire, Die!

This is blog post #6 from me so by now I’d like to think we’re all good friends and we’re at that point in our relationship where we have a sleepover and tell each other secrets all night. So I’m going to level with you guys. I have had a rough couple of days. Nothing […]

The post Die, Vampire, Die! appeared first on The Green Room.

All Theatre is Community Theatre

All theatre is community theatre. This is one of my favorite professor’s go-to phrases during class and one that has deeply resonated with me. I’ve had her for two semesters now so I can’t remember the first time I heard the phrase, but I do know that I immediately jotted it down on a piece […]

The post All Theatre is Community Theatre appeared first on The Green Room.

Let’s Bring Back the Overture

I thought about starting this blog with a play on a eulogy, mourning the loss of the overture a la La Vie Boheme, but I became so excited to talk about overtures I didn’t want to take the time for an intro. Let’s just jump right in. I love new musical theatre, as evidenced by […]

The post Let’s Bring Back the Overture appeared first on The Green Room.

Musical Theatre: My Friend the Dictionary

The other day I was walking around campus listening to The Last Five Years— as per usual—my school is built on hills so how could I pass up the opportunity to listen to “Climbing Uphill” as I walk to class? “Climb Every Mountain” is often too intense to listen to at 9AM and “I Miss […]

The post Musical Theatre: My Friend the Dictionary appeared first on The Green Room.

Why Are We Censoring Our Art?

Within the past few years, I’ve noticed the growing phenomenon of “junior-izing” musicals for schools across the country, where instead of a student cast putting on Guys and Dolls or Godspell in full, they perform a 60 minute version of the original show—most of the time with anything “inappropriate” cut out. It’s hard for me […]

The post Why Are We Censoring Our Art? appeared first on The Green Room.

Writing Your Own Territory

Like a lot of theatre people I know, I grew up on the Rogers and Hammerstein classics my parents would play on movie nights: South Pacific, The Sound of Music, Carousel, not to mention Cinderella staring Brandi (anyone else still obsessed with that classic?). But occasionally thrown in among the R+H oldies was the other […]

The post Writing Your Own Territory appeared first on The Green Room.