Blog Filter By rob rokicki


This September, NMT is putting a spotlight on its writers. Each day, we’ll be featuring one writer or writing team’s recommended audition songs and audition tips – and sharing a discount code for their one-day-only Spotlight Sale! Today’s featured writer is Rob Rokicki, whose adaptation of The Lightning Thief for TheatreworksUSA recently played off-Broadway and will begin a national […]

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NMT on NMT: #NMTWriters Pick Audition Songs

We asked #NMTWriters for audition song recommendations – specifically, one song that they wrote and one song that they didn’t write. Read on to find out their top picks!  KAIT KERRIGAN When She Smiles. I heard a girl sing this song of Lewis Flinn’s in a master class and it felt fresh and young and […]

The post NMT on NMT: #NMTWriters Pick Audition Songs appeared first on The Green Room.