Top 10 Songs to Humor the Drama Queen

I have had my fair share of public performances (the usual singing for friends and family, some recitals here and there) and almost every single time, my repertoire relied on dramatic and emotional pieces. It’s not that I enjoy crying or getting hurt and/or angry in front of people. Rather, I just find it easier for me to connect with them that way. Oftentimes my sister (who is a performer herself) would tell me that having the ability to be vulnerable in a performance is an advantage (and it is most of the time), but after much self-questioning, I arrived at the conclusion that maybe a drama queen like me just wasn’t cut out to do comedic pieces. Kind of depressing, if you think about it – not being able to express your candid self in song. I guess I found humor a bit intimidating and somewhat too delicate to relate—I mean, what if I fail to make anyone in the audience laugh, right?

But of course, as a performer, one must be able to offer a certain range of versatility and variety (otherwise you’ll be stuck singing “I Dreamed a Dream” every single time, trust me). I get it, being funny can be embarrassing if you don’t do it right, but the only way to get past that fear is to go through it. And one surefire way to help with that is to find the right song that suits your personality and circumstances.

So if you’re like me and humor just doesn’t jive with your vibe, here’s my list of 10 funny songs to get you started:

10. Sing, But Don’t TellCarner and Gregor

This is a really great song to get the laughs going. The words are so witty that it leaves the right amount of impact for the audience AND also allows the performer to be as natural as one wants to be. The song is more about a general situation rather than being focused on a particular character, which allows the piece to complement different kinds of personalities—perfect to make it your own!

Watch this video on YouTube.

9. I’m SorryKerrigan-Lowdermilk

I absolutely adore this song. Everything about it is just so easy-going—lyrics, melody, instrumentation—that makes it not at all intimidating to sing, in a good way. The composition itself is so well written that there’s an innate sense of humor that flows organically from the singer to the audience. A perfect fit to break the ice with any group of listeners (and not so bad an excuse to make a public confession as well *wink, wink*).

Watch this video on YouTube.

8. Expectations of a ManJonathan Reid Gealt

Some of the best comedy songs ever made are those that make use of these unexpected twists in the story. Expectations of a Man is a perfect example of that. With its catchy and entertaining melody paired with its hilarious punchlines, it’s a surefire way to captivate an audience.

Watch this video on YouTube.

7. Kindergarten Love SongDrew Gasparini

First love is one of those moments that humans remember forever—probably because it’s a period that involved so many crazy emotions that pretty much caused us to do a lot embarrassing things. Imagine all that in the context of a six-year-old girl trying to impress her crush with a complete set of crayons. Nothing gets more adorable than that….

Watch this video on YouTube.

6. I’m Not Pregnant, I’m Just Fat – Katie Thompson

This song is ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS. I don’t know what else to say. P.S. Performing this piece might require an extra bag of confidence (and an extra bag of fries, too).

Watch this video on YouTube.

5. I Could Be Jewish For You—Nikko Benson

This piece can be a bit tricky to do since it’s anchored to a very particular type of culture. If you do choose to perform it, make sure you’re surrounded by an audience that has a general idea of what you’re singing about – although if you do find the right platform, the laughs you’ll get are indeed very rewarding.

Watch this video on YouTube.

4. What Do You Do With Your ArmsCarner and Gregor

Oh, where to start? Animated, witty, awkward, definitely entertaining, What Do You Do With Your Arms” has humor written all over it. It’s the perfect song for anyone working on their ease on stage as well as their body language. And the best thing is that it doesn’t matter if you’re uncomfortable with movement—heck, that would make the performance even better!

Watch this video on YouTube.

3. Alto’s LamentGoldrich and Heisler

Perfect for an audience filled with musical theater geeks of all age and sizes, this piece not only serves as an excellent icebreaker, but also brings to light a very refreshing point of view for singers. If the subject matter of the piece itself is not enough to make people laugh, I’m sure the clever way those showtune excerpts are included would do the trick.

Watch this video on YouTube.

2. My Party Dress (from Henry and Mudge) – Kerrigan-Lowdermilk

The thing about comedy is that even the most trivial things can make for the funniest of stories. An effective combination of “senseless” rambling and playful music, the composition perfectly illustrates the random thoughts of a seemingly impulsive little girl and her hilariously “peaceful and happy and comfortable and satin and frilly and pretty” party dress. P.S. Make sure to wear something with lace.

Watch this video on YouTube.

1. In Short (from Edges) – Pasek and Paul

Crazy makes for good comedy—there, I said it. And if only for that reason, this piece is definitely one to make the hall of fame. Pasek and Paul did an amazing job in writing such a loveable albeit crazy character and also simultaneously paint a very entertaining picture of a relationship that had—well, um, if she hadn’t said it enough—died.

Watch this video on YouTube.

See? Funny can be fun if we’d just allow ourselves to loosen up. Like I said, there’s a perfect song for every moment, and even if every fiber of your being is screaming out for a ballad, it’s not bad to try and make the audience laugh every once in a while.

Are there other songs that you think make for brilliant comedy? I would definitely want to hear your suggestions. After all, every drama queen loves a challenge.

The post Top 10 Songs to Humor the Drama Queen appeared first on The Green Room.