Top 5 Showtunes For Your Cardio Workout

Ah, the gym. Most of us don’t want to be there, but we know it’s good for us. In my case, I go about three times a week in order to promote a better lifestyle. I have been losing weight recently by combining good eating habits with exercise, and nothing is more motivating for me than listening to showtunes during my cardio workout sessions. I have a playlist of showtunes that I play on shuffle, and much like theatre itself, the music provides a source of escape. Rather than focusing on how baffling it is that I have only spent six of my thirty minutes on the elliptical, I can focus on Stephanie J. Block shimmying as Liza Minnelli in my head. (As one does.) So, without further ado, here are my top five showtunes for your cardio playlist:

1. “Let Me Be Your Star” from Smash

One of the first songs I usually listen to, “Let Me Be Your Star,” gets me right in the mood for some power cardio. One of my motivations for weight loss is a lengthy career as a musical theatre performer, so listening to this plea for a big break gets me starting on a high note (belted by Megan Hilty, naturally).

Watch this video on YouTube.

2. “Ready To Be Loved” from Edges

With a driving beat and soaring vocals, this ode to love helps motivate me to keep looking hot! The accompaniment is relentless and the riffs give me life as I finish that first mile.

Watch this video on YouTube.

3. “She Loves To Hear The Music” from The Boy From Oz

The Boy From Oz was my first Broadway show and a major part of my childhood. Once the dancers come in, so does the beat, and I feel transported to the Imperial Theatre watching Stephanie J. Block dance around and four minutes on the elliptical fly by!

Watch this video on YouTube.

4. “Man Up” from The Book of Mormon

Currently, Elder Cunningham is a dream role of mine, so what better motivation to get through my workout than to imagine getting to play him? I know it may seem a little cheesy, but you gotta do what you gotta do to keep your cardio game strong!

Watch this video on YouTube.

5. “Calm” from Ordinary Days

This manic, patter-y solo from Adam Gwon’s fantastic Ordinary Days is pretty dark for a workout but is SO fun. The last minute or so are on the slower end, but it’s good to have intervals in your workout in terms of speed. Even better, if this ends your workout, this could be part of your cool down. As someone with a heart for Manhattan, this song (and show!) help build my excitement and build my heart rate.

Watch this video on YouTube.

Honorable mentions:

  • “Buenos Aires” from Evita (I wouldn’t usually choose Madonna over Patti, but the tempos on the film soundtrack are quick and fun!)
  • “Let It Go” from Disney’s Frozen (Nothing better to distract you from being on that stairmaster than pretending you’re in Elsa’s ice castle, right?)
  • “You Can’t Stop The Beat” from Hairspray (Of course I had to!)
  • “Color My World” from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (The most fun I’ve had at the theatre, so by that logic it should make the treadmill fun!)
  • “I’m A Star” by Scott Alan (Much like “Let Me Be Your Star,” career-oriented songs help me stay focused when I feel tired.)
  • “Love Wildly” by Joey Contreras (His whole album, Young Kind Of Love, is so much fun and filled with many uptempos that are great for the gym!)
  • Bonus: for your ab workout, listen to “The Schuyler Sisters” from Hamilton. (This song just replaced “Land of Lola” from Kinky Boots. It’s the perfect tempo for abs that won’t kill you but it still keeps you going.)

What music do you work out to? And if it’s to showtunes, what songs?

The post Top 5 Showtunes For Your Cardio Workout appeared first on The Green Room.