WRITER SPOTLIGHT: Salzman and Cunningham

This September, NMT is putting a spotlight on its writers. Each day, we’ll be featuring one writer or writing team’s recommended audition songs and audition tips – and sharing a discount code for their one-day-only Spotlight Sale! As we enter our last week of Writer Spotlights, we’re excited to focus on Joshua Salzman & Ryan Cunningham today. Did you know that you can license their musical NEXT THING YOU KNOW

Today, September 22, only: get 20% off all Salzman and Cunningham sheet music with the code SCSPOTLIGHT!

Ryan’s favorite audition tip: Tell the story. Practice enough so that the lyrics and the notes are second nature–and then focus on telling the story of the song. The special performers are the storytellers.

Joshua’s favorite audition tip: Say “yes” to everything (within reason of course)! Even when it scares you or you don’t want to do it. Take a risk, and say “yes.” You never know what doors it may open.

Recommended male audition song: GOODBYE

This song is about Austin’s decision to choose something unknown for the first time in his life. To him, it’s as momentous and as terrifying as anything he’s ever done. Weigh the two options with equal force, and when the release comes after the bridge, revel in the decision for the rest of the song.

Performed by Colin Hanlon:

Watch this video on YouTube.

Recommended female audition song: JUST NOT NOW (now available in multiple keys!)

This sounds like a breakup song–but in reality it is a love song. Marcy is pushing Austin away because she knows that if they end up together now she will end up hurting him. She wants desperately to be with him, and it’s because she loves him that she pushes him away–it’s a gesture perhaps even more loving than pulling him close and saying “I love you.”

Performed by Farah Alvin:

Watch this video on YouTube.

The post WRITER SPOTLIGHT: Salzman and Cunningham appeared first on The NewMusicalTheatre.com Green Room.