From JASPER IN DEADLAND.Music and Lyrics by Ryan Scott OliverKeys available:Tenor - DBaritone - CFemale - BbVideo is in D:Jay Armstrong Johnson at 54 Below on November 18, 2013.Video is in A (half step lower):Performed by Lindsay Mendez at SubCulture, NYC on August 29th, 2016.
From JASPER IN DEADLAND. Music and Lyrics by Ryan Scott OliverKey of EmVideo is in Em:
Performed by Victoria Huston-Elem at 54 Below on November 18, 2013.
From JASPER IN DEADLAND.Music and Lyrics by Ryan Scott OliverKeys available:D - Alto / beltF - Soprano / baritenorG - TenorVideo is in Db (half step down from alto key)
Performed by Katie Rose Clarke at 54 Below on November 18, 2013.
From JASPER IN DEADLAND.Music and Lyrics by Ryan Scott OliverKey of C#mVideo is in C#m:
Julia Mattison, Max Chernin, Noah Zachary, Tatiana Lofton, and Katy Rea at Joe's Pub on January 21, 2013