13 Item(s)

Range: Soprano


As Performed by Whitney Bashor on YouTube< As Performed by Vanessa Ray on YouTube

In Short-Female

As Performed by Whitney Bashor on YouTube

Lying There

Listen to Audio of Whitney Bashorhttp://pasekandpaul.com/audio/Lying_There.html As Performed by Farah Alvin on YouTube

Be My Friend (The Facebook Song)

As Performed by Ryan McCabe, Erin Sprow, Connor Russell and Lindsey Hedberg on YouTube

Ready To Be Loved

As Performed by Shoshana Bean on YouTube

Caitlyn and Haley

As Performed by Sabrina Bradley and Courtney Markowitz on YouTube

Like Breathing

As Performed by Farah Alvin, Whitney Bashor, Steven Booth and Colin Hanlon on YouTube