From Eleven. “All This Shit Was Meant To Be” is the finale of ELEVEN, a 10-minute movie musical written by Rachel Axler and directed by Jim Krueger. Music by Brad Alexander, lyrics by Jimmy McNicholas, choreography by DJ Salisbury, and edited by Stefanie Dworkin. It was written, rehearsed, shot, and edited in 16 days for RIPFEST #8 and starred Jeff...
From See Rock City & Other Destinations.
Listen to the song at!see-rock-city.
Josh Young at Birdland, NYC on 9/07/2009NAMT Composer Spotlight Concert.
From Eleven. “All This Shit Was Meant To Be” is the finale of ELEVEN, a 10-minute movie musical written by Rachel Axler and directed by Jim Krueger. Music by Brad Alexander, lyrics by Jimmy McNicholas, choreography by DJ Salisbury, and edited by Stefanie Dworkin. It was written, rehearsed, shot, and edited in 16 days for RIPFEST #8 and starred Jeff...