27 Item(s)

Style: Patter Song

Own It - Two Girls

Duet from Hot Mess In Manhattan transposed for two women. Key of Eb. The low note is G3. The high note is C5. 

Own It - Lower

Male/female duet from Hot Mess In Manhattan, a whole step down from the show key. Recommended for tenors and altos. Key of C. The low note is E3. The high note is A4. 

The Egg Nog Song (Female Key)

Chris Critelli at Bruno Walter Auditorium at Lincoln Center on 12/14/2013Lincoln Center's Bruno Walter Auditorium

Another New Musical Theater Writer

Anne L. Nathan at 54 Below on 11/10/2014

White Gurl Wasted

The title says it all… this sexy-quirky R&B number was written for and debuted by HAMILTON’S Greg Haney. It can be performed with female "wasted white gurl" rap cameo -- or as a complete male solo, with the singer doing the rap himself. This song can be performed with female "wasted white gurl" rap cameo -- or as a complete...

Keep It Campy!

From The Battery's Down. Dierdre Goodwin, Jake Wilson

Where I'd Fall In Love

Add McDaniel and Jonathan Reid Gealt at Birdland, NYC on 11/29/2015Live performance from the album release concert.


Music by Jacob YanduraLyrics by Rebekah Melocikfrom THE LAST QUEEN OF CANAANKey of A: F#3-D#5Kay McKenna, a do-gooder from the north, is sent by the Works Progress Administration to Canaan, Virginia to collect oral histories.  Everyone on her list is dead or missing, except Cora Skye, an old and formidable landowner. Kay desperately makes her case on Cora’s doorstep, but,...