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Top 10 Songs About Social Anxiety

Like any relationship, our relationship to music can function as a distraction, or it can be a support system. There are a ton of songs out there to help us shake it off, but what about songs that meet us where we are?

The post NMT COUNTDOWN: Top 10 Songs About Social Anxiety appeared first on The NewMusicalTheatre.com Green Room.

Holding On

From Tales From The Bad Years. As performed by Melissa Benoist and Dee Roscioli on Kerrigan-Lowdermilk LIVE. Key of E. The low note is E3. The high note is E5. (Does NOT nessessarily need to be belted - the song works for many different voice types.) Performed by Melissa Benoist at Catalina Bar & Grill in Hollywood, CA, on January...