From As You Like It Rosalind opens up to Orlando about her fears about marriage and love. Originally performed by Rebecca Naomi Jones in the Public Works Shakespeare in the Park production.
Transpositions available upon request
Key of Ab:As You Like It by Shaina Taub
From Twelfth Night
This is a plaintive ballad about the agony and ecstasy of unrequited love. Performed by Shaina Taub in the Shakespeare in the Park production.
Transpositions available upon request
Key of Ab:
From As You Like It
The opening number in As You Like It sung by Jaques, originally performed by Shaina Taub in the Public Works Shakespeare in the Park production
Transpositions available upon request
Key of Db:As You Like It by Shaina Taub
From Twelfth Night
This is Malvolio’s lament, sung from a Port-A-Potty. Andrew Kober originated the role in the Shakespeare in the Park production.
Transpositions available upon request
Key of F:
From What Otters Do
A story song about two animals in love. Performed by Audra McDonald on her world tour. Also previously performed by Phillipa Soo and Celia Keenan-Bolger
Transpositions available upon request
Key of C: