Becoming #NMTFamous

If you’re a fan of new musical theatre, you’re no stranger to YouTube. With most of the #NMTwriters posting their latest and greatest concerts on YouTube for the non-New Yorkers to enjoy, it’s one of many joys we get that from #NMTshows that we don’t get with Broadway ones.

But YouTube isn’t just a gateway for writers trying to make it big. It’s a place for performers to also showcase their best work. It’s a place for new performers to prove to the world they’re someone worth taking a chance on. A place for new performers to attempt to join already-built communities. Perhaps become YouTube famous or found through YouTube, like our #NMTfriends Natalie Weiss and Alexander Sage Oyen (just to name a few).

'Cause everything is BREAKing down now...including Natalie and her riffs.

‘Cause everything is BREAKing down now…including Natalie and her riffs.

And that can be scary.

It is true that once a video is on YouTube, it can be seen by literally anyone on the web. This means you probably don’t want to upload a video of yourself singing when you’re sick or when you’re not quite hitting those high notes you can normally hit, because those can easily leave a lasting impression on your site, even if you have better videos in the future.

Even if you upload a perfect video, you’re bound to find someone who doesn’t like it. Receiving bad feedback or even helpful critique can really set back your ambitions on becoming a performer (Broadway or otherwise). The best thing you can do is to really read into the comment and understand whether it was intended as a troll comment or if it was really someone trying to help you. Take serious feedback seriously, and thumbs down/ignore the trolls. 

Getting great feedback comes with even greater responsibility. If you truly have a gem in your hands, you must cultivate and grow it, spreading it through the community by learning how to promote yourself professionally and consistently.

The Part with a Big Announcement

Here at NMT, we support new performers, especially when they perform our stuff. That’s why we’ll be featuring one new artist every Sunday in our NMT Video of the Week (#NMTvotw) series. The NMT team here is going to scour the interwebs for some cool new videos from some cool new people that inspire us, but we also welcome you helping point out the way.

Our first #NMTvotw is from JennaLeighhh, who performs #NMTWriter Jeff Blumenkrantz‘s I Won’t Mind beautifully.

So, head on over to the #NMTstore, find your favorite #NMTsong, and sing your #NMTheart out, then comment here with your YouTube links to be considered for our next #NMTvotw .


The post Becoming #NMTFamous appeared first on The Green Room.