Lucky Disaster

Megan Minutillo, founder of The Write Teacher(s)

Megan Minutillo, founder of The Write Teacher(s)

When I first started the website The Write Teacher(s), one of my goals was to have it be a platform for concerts, readings, and shows. I love to create. I live to create, but never have I had the desire to center stage under a spotlight – that’s just not my jam.  Instead, I’ve always wanted to be the person putting the big picture together. I love finding all of the pieces of the puzzle that fit – finding the talent – the voices, the music, the lyrics, the actors, and so on.  That’s my candy. That’s what makes my soul light up.

But alas, I digress.

We’re talking concerts here.

Over the past year, I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of getting to know some of the brightest new musical theater composers out there. I am a better artist for knowing them, hell, I’m a better person for knowing them. I dare you to listen to the artists listed on this website and not be moved. Inspired. Changed. It’s just impossible.

Again, I digress.

Concerts. We’re talking about concerts.

Over the past year, I’ve attended a plethora of concerts revolving around new musical theater. I mean a PLETHORA. And all of them have been magical and wonderful and special in their own individual ways.  Very often I’d see the same singer performing in multiple concerts, because he or she is, a) outstanding, and b) part of “the scene.” The networking scene.

And then my wheels started to turn.

WHAT IF I started to get students into “the scene”? WHAT IF I provided a concert series that fuses new musical theater and recent graduates and/or current students of theater? WHAT IF we went really crazy, and had The Write Teacher(s) and the students write monologues that are inspired by each song?

Magic.  That’s what would happen, that’s what did happen, and that’s what happens.

So, the rest of the story goes as such. I had this wonderful idea, but I needed composers, I needed music. I needed people who would allow me to use their music, and ones who would take a chance on something new.

And so I called my friends and colleagues, Drew Gasparini and Zoe Sarnak. If you know these two, you’ll know that they are constantly thinking out of the box, constantly giving back, constantly supporting new work, and constantly writing music that will move all those who listen to it.  (And if for some reason you don’t know Drew and Zoe, well, you best fix that right now.) Drew and Zoe loved the idea, and, as expected, were gems about helping me out.

Lucky Disaster 101 happened this past September, and it was awesome. It sounds cliché, but that’s just the only word that comes to mind…awesome.  So awesome in fact, that I decided the concept was too good to just do once, and so, the Lucky Disaster Concert Series was born.

And now you’re all caught up to date. And it’s 2014. Crazy, right?

Can you think of a better way to start 2014 than with a musical theater concert in New York City?

No? Me neither.

I’m thrilled, elated, ecstatic, and OVER THE MOON for Lucky Disaster 202, which features the brilliant music of Drew Overcash and Rob Rokicki.  I mean, their talent is just unending, as not only are they brilliant composers, lyricists, storytellers, and musicians, but they’re outstanding teachers, too!

Lucky Disaster 202 will feature a mix of songs from Overcash and Rokicki, and is comprised of a cast featuring the insanely talented Nic Casaula, Christopher Hlinka, Jacob Samuels, and Stephanie Turci; musical direction and piano accompaniment is courtesy of Will Buck, with a special appearance by Mike Rosengarten on the guitar.

Featuring Christopher Hlinka, Nic Casaula, Jacob Samuels, Taylor Sorice, Stephanie Turci,  and Jacob Samuels,

Featuring Christopher Hlinka, Nic Casaula, Jacob Samuels, Taylor Sorice, and Stephanie Turci

So, let’s recap…

Lucky Disaster 202 is on January 6th at Don’t Tell Mama at 7:30pm.

Yes, I realize it’s Monday night – I promise it’s worth it.  And hey, after the show, you can head over to 54 Below with plenty of time to catch Broadway Trivia Night, hosted by the guru of Broadway herself, Jennifer Ashley Tepper.

For tickets and additional information, click here:

The post Lucky Disaster appeared first on The Green Room.