Blog Filter By Posts By Michael Patrick Walker

Tech – Dog and Pony: Part 4

A month in the rehearsal studio goes by in a flash and, at the same time, it feels like there was never a time that we weren’t rehearsing! But one day, you come up for air and discover the whole process has expanded and moved into the theatre – we’ve added lights, costumes, props, sound, […]

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Rehearsals – Dog and Pony: Part 3

Bringing a new musical to the stage for the first time is quite a bit like launching a rocket into space for the first time. You plan, you research, you work, you create, you revise, you wait…and on and on for a period of (usually) years. But when you finally get the rocket on the […]

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Casting – Dog and Pony: Part 2

As I write this we are six weeks – almost to the day – before the first day of rehearsals for Dog and Pony at The Old Globe Theatre.  When we finally reach that milestone day and all assemble in the studio, the next phase of the show’s development really begins.  Excited doesn’t begin to […]

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Anticipation – Dog and Pony: Part 1

When you’re expecting a baby, you go through a range of emotions.  Excitement, anticipation, abject terror and, about five or six months into the pregnancy, utter boredom.  But, by and large, babies take as long as they’re going to take to “cook.” No matter how much you want the little nipper to show up, opening […]

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This Is An Intervention

Hello <*name*>.  Please come in and sit down.  I know you weren’t expecting to see us all here together, but this is a safe place.  We’ve all here today for you – Me, Ryan, Drew, Brian and Kait, Joe, John, Bobby, other Drew and all the rest.  We’re here because we love you very much […]

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Haters Gonna Hate…Or Are They?

I don’t know if you’ve heard about this, but a little while ago, NBC did a live version of The Sound Of Music.  As it aired (and after), there was much brouhaha about how people criticized the…well…everything about it.  Apparently Carrie Underwood (who played Maria) responded by opining that “mean people need Jesus.”  Now I […]

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Picture the beginning of each episode of the TV show “24”. The black screen, the beeping which starts slowly and gets faster and faster, the pieces of the digital display that flicker on and off as the ominous, music swells in volume. Then, almost as soon as the number fully forms, it flickers away again into darkness and […]

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Ready, Set…BAKE!

I don’t know if you’ve noticed or not, but in the past however-many years or so, there’s been a trend toward movies being turned into musicals. Oh, you have noticed that? Yeah, me too. But I’m not going to go on a rant about how this trend spells the end of musical theatre as we know it. It […]

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What The Hell Are You Singing?! No…Seriously.

Adding new songs to your repertoire can be a challenge. On the upside, there’s a great site like to help you find new material! But, once you do, you have to learn the song and develop a performance, and that can be like solving a mystery. And the only help the composer and lyricist have given you to […]

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Baby, Bathwater or Both?

If you’re a hardcore musical theatre fan – and let’s be honest, you probably are if you’re on this site – you’re familiar with the term “trunk song.” On the off-chance that you stumbled onto this blog thinking I’m one of the writers and producers of Sex and the City – I’m not, by the way – I’ll […]

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My Writing Process

Can I tell you a Story? In an ideal world, that question is what I use to maintain my laser-like focus every moment of the ten hours each day as I write a great piece of new musical theatre. In reality, it’s a bit more like: What kind of song does this character need… Should I have […]

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