17 Item(s)

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New York Day

From the album Artists In Residence (Broadway Records)  Music by Joseph Zellnik Lyrics by David Zellnik This lush, melodic ballad was written for the album Artists In Residence, a collection of brand-new songs written and performed by members of the theatre community (all from their homes) about aspects of life during the Covid-19 lockdown. When we were considering what sort of song we...

The Declaration

from Pride and Prejudice Music and Lyrics by Paul GordonArrangements by Connor Keelan Originally sung by Travis Leland and Sharon Reitkerk

More Than Hello

from Pride and Prejudice Music and Lyrics by Paul GordonArrangements by Connor Keelan Originally sung by Travis Leland and Sharon Reitkerk

Where I Fit In

Music by Jacob YanduraLyrics by Rebekah Melocikfrom WRINGERKey of D: Bb2-Bb4 // C4-Db5 (Video is in D)Palmer reveals his secret to Dorothy: he has a pet pigeon.  Now that the truth is out, Palmer, Dorothy and Nipper (the pigeon) form their own gang.  Each of them finally understands what it’s like to belong.Jenni Barber & Ben Fankhauser at 54 Below...

You Have to Move On

Music by Joe KinosianLyrics by Kellen BlairThe singer dispenses advice for healing post-breakup, while making it increasingly clear that they’re nowhere near over their own past relationshipFemale Key of A (E3-D#5) (Video is in A)Male Key of C (C3-F4) Sarah Stiles at 54 Below on August 31st, 2017.

The Snowman

Music & Lyrics by Will Van Dyke Lyrics by Jeff Talbott   THE SNOWMAN is a song that released as a video on YouTube by Will Van Dyke and Jeff Talbott. Annaleigh Ashford sang it for Will Van Dyke and Jeff Talbott's Crazy Rainbow Days concert at 54 Below. It is a folk story song.   Choose your transpostion:Key of...

One Day

Cute comedic duet about an "office romance." Choose your transposition:Key of D (Male: D3-A4; Female: Bb3-D5) (primary key)Key of C (Male C3-G4; Female: Ab3-C5)   Key of D: Performed by Andy Coxon and Sophie Isaacs at St James Studio, London on March 16, 2014  


Music by Jacob YanduraLyrics by Rebekah Melocikfrom WRINGERKey of B: C#3-Bb4Nipper is safe with Palmer once again.  Palmer and his father understand each other in a new way.  Mutto stands up for himself against his best friend, Beans.  Dorothy’s activism finally makes a difference in the world. All is well.