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Top 10 Songs About Social Anxiety

Like any relationship, our relationship to music can function as a distraction, or it can be a support system. There are a ton of songs out there to help us shake it off, but what about songs that meet us where we are?

The post NMT COUNTDOWN: Top 10 Songs About Social Anxiety appeared first on The NewMusicalTheatre.com Green Room.

Three Days Without Breathing

From THE ANXIETY PROJECT. Ursula Villareal and company at New York Film Academy on 2/01/2017Directed by Robert W. Schneider Music Directed by Kevin David Thomas

The Last Loser In The Universe (Female Key)

Performed by Ben Platt in the key of C at 54 Below on February 17, 2014.

Don't Be Crazy (The iPhone Anxiety Song)

From THE ANXIETY PROJECT. Jack Suwala at New York Film Academy on 2/01/2017Directed by Robert W. Schneider Music Directed by Kevin David Thomas

I'm Cool

Taylor Trensch at Joe's Pub on 9/28/2016 Will Roland at Barrington Stage on 9/16/2013This song is usually performed with ukulele, but feel free to play it on whatever instrument you think is best!