From Talk to Me Written by Tim Rosser and Charlie Sohne11 year-old Connor's life sometimes seems to revolve around his older brother, Graham. Graham is on the spectrum and is often the focus of everything from their mother's attention to gossip at school. When the two brothers are together, Connor therefore fades into the background -- and because of that...
As performed by Nathan Tysen. Suitable for most male voices. Folky & simple, with lush harmonies. Key of G. The low note is D3. The high note is F#4.
Performed by Nathan Tysen at Catalina Bar & Grill in Hollywood, CA, on January 20, 2013.
Music and Lyrics by Ryan Scott OliverMale key of G (Video is in G)Male key of FFemale key of C
Jay Armstrong Johnson and Morgan Karr at The Canal Room on 11/09/2009.
From The Boy Who Danced on Air Writers: Tim Rosser and Charlie Sohne The Boy Who Danced on Air is a love story that takes place between two dancing boys in Afghanistan (Paiman and Feda). Paiman has just been told by his master that he is too old to continue dancing and will be married off to a girl from...
From The Boy Who Danced on Air Writers: Tim Rosser and Charlie Sohne The Boy Who Danced on Air is a love story that takes place between two dancing boys in Afghanistan (Paiman and Feda). Paiman and Feda plan to run away to the nearest city and on the evening of their planned escape, they dream about what their lives...
Music by Joe KinosianLyrics by Kellen Blair
Santa Claus bemoans the difficulties facing him this Christmas, both professional and personal.Key of G (D3-D4) (Video is in G)Kellen Blair
From WE HAVE APPLES by Aron Accurso and Rachel Griffin.
Transposition available in ANY KEY upon request!
Key of Dm:
Performed by Kyle Scatliffe at 54 Below on September 12, 2016
Music by Joe KinosianLyrics by Kellen Blair
A man first jokes about, then reveals the tougher truth behind, his unrequited love.Key of Db (Ab3-E5)Wesley Taylor