"Totally Unorganized" from LITTLE MISS FIX-IT by Kristen Guenther and Joy Son. Presented as part of "Dance Numbers from Musicals You Haven't Heard (Yet)" at the Laurie Beechman Theatre. Performed by Sam Tedaldi:
Visit www.myspace.com/joysonmusic to hear the original recording with full ensemble.
88 words in only 8 measures. Take that, Telsey!
Charlotte Maltby at Drom on 7/25/2014
This song actually is just 8 measures, though we did manage to fit 87 words into it, plus a legit note and a belt note.
from BE MORE CHILLMusic & Lyrics by Joe IconisChoose your transposition:Key of F (G3-D5) (alto/belt) (original key)Key of Gb (Ab3-Eb5) (alto/belt) Key of G (A3-E5) (mix/belt) Key of Ab (Bb3-F5 /Bb2-F4) (mix / baritone)Key of Bb (C4-G5 / C3-G4) (soprano / tenor)Key of C (D3-A4) (tenor)Key of D (E3-B4) (tenor/alto)Key of Eb (F3-C5) (tenor/alto)Key of E (F#3-C#5) (alto/belt)Other transpositions available upon request. Contact customer service after purchase.Key...
From COLLEGE The Musical.
Ricky Ashley & Juliana Hansen at MTVu
Freshman Nathan and Junior Lindsay have a drunken encounter at a college party. Hilarity ensues. Enjoy!