98 Item(s)

Style: Comedic


From "Goldrich and Heisler - Songbook, Volume 1"

Put It in the Piggy

From Dear Edwina. About saving money.

Christmas in New York

From Month Upon a Time. For information about MONTH UPON A TIME, visit http://jeffblumenkrantz.com/month-upon-a-time/ Performed by Mick Bleyer, Jeff Blumenkrantz, Gaelen Gilliland, and Sierra Rein on THE JEFF BLUMENKRANTZ SONGBOOK Podcast on December 31, 2011. Performed by the OU Musical Theatre Class of 2015 at the Weitzenhoffer School

Say No Thank You

From Dear Edwina. About trying new foods.


From Dear Edwina. This song is SHORT! It's one of the "letters" written to Edwina. More spoken than sung.

Go Into Finance

Music & Lyrics by Billy RecceFrom RACHEL UNRAVELED At an audition that could change her life, a young actress is asked to do nothing but tell her story. This is her musical response. Key of C (F3-C5) Key of Eb (Ab3-Eb5) Videos in C:Rachel Ravel at 54 Below on July 7, 2017. Nikka Graff Lanzarone at 54 Below on July 13, 2018.

Debbie's Advice (No One's Gonna Love You, B*tch)

Lyrics by Gordon LearyMusic by Ryan Scott OliverKey of EbVideo is in Eb:Autumn Joan Tilson, Lauren Scheibly, and Raina Fraley at 54 Below on February 13, 2015.